Jaymin Patel: Embodying Your Fiscal Intimacy


“If you’re making too little [money], there might be shame. If you’re making too much, you might wanna hide it. The more we hide anything in our lives, the more we repress it. If you want to have a conscious relationship to anything, including money, then we need to bring it from the shadow into the light.” 

On episode 15, we kick off Season 2 with Jaymin Patel, the founder of Paragons of Possibility — a movement to show the world what IS possible in living a more honest, loving, fulfilled, sustainable, ancestrally-healed, non-trauma-creating way of life. In addition to being a (TEDx) speaker who has delivered 500+ paid talks and being an author of 8 books, Jaymin is a highly sought-after, heart-driven, no-fluff, intuitive coach who has been hired by powerful leaders in the spiritual & transformational communities as well as top leaders of corporations around the world like Kraft, Unilever, and Citibank. He has also pioneered #DADWEEK, an initiative to work with fathers/father figures in deep containers to shift the hallmark of parenting from the old narrative of discipline to a new generation focused on connection and fully expressed authenticity.

In this eye-opening conversation, we unpack what it means to become more fiscally intimate and how a conscious relationship to money can start to widen the aperture on how we form relationships to all other paragons (or models) of possibility within. Topics we cover range from:

  • The hero’s journey from advising CEOS of billion dollar companies to taking the big leap to write, speak and inspire people all over the world

  • What it means to be an intuitive coach drawing from a corporate background

  • How to balance the dance between living from greed/ego and living in true abundance/wholeness

  • When creating an ASO (Aligned Signature Offering), Jaymin’s take on the necessity of having credentials 

  • A sneak peek into his Transformational Sales Journey, which is his secret sauce to making money 

  • Why Jaymin wants to coach Kamala Harris and Jeff Bezos

  • The inspiration behind #DadWeek and the impact he’s already seeing in his work with conscious dads

More about the show: https://www.digseedgrow.com/thealtnormal-podcast

Produced by Resonance™, the creative practice of Dig | Seed | Grow

This show is hosted at Destination Outpost, a coliving and coworking community based out in Bali.

About the Alt-Normal


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