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Alex Malorodov: Manifest a New Reality with Quantum Creation

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Alex Malorodov: Manifest a New Reality with Quantum Creation Resonance™

On episode 17, we enter all things quantum physics and quantum creation with Intuitive Guide and Mentor, Alex Malorodov. Through unlocking people’s understanding and embodiment of quantum reality and intuitive abilities, Alex opens his clients to experience a life of deep meaning and freedom. Alex bridges the business and spiritual world, having earned his MBA from Columbia and spending years in the venture capital space. 

While the discovery of quantum physics dates back to the early 1900s, its mainstream curiosity has taken off recently thanks to the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza, helping people all around the world heal chronic illnesses and transform their lives in unprecedented ways. As a quantum creator, Alex brings this practice down to earth in a highly practical way (given his engineering background) and cuts right through the noise. Since the universe works vibrationally, all we have to do is to commit to embodying the vibrational identity of the person we wish to become. Nothing is impossible or off the table here. Helping us discern between “embodiment” and “visualization,” he says the practice comes down to creating a full sensorial experience to feel our way into our manifestations, rather than simply thinking our way to them. The old story is to default to the question, “why is this happening to me?” Instead, to crack the code of “reality architecture” and create something new, we have to ask a different question. Infinite possibility and power await us on the other side!

In this multi-dimensional conversation, we go wide and deep across the following:

  • His “spiritual coming out moment” from the world of venture capital to quantum creator and intuitive guide 

  • Translating the language of quantum creation, and demystifying concepts like “timeline shifting” and “wizard codes”

  • How to start the quantum journey and importance of designing experiments to get comfortable and expand outside our comfort zone

  • How his engineering studies at Johns Hopkins overlaps with his capacity to engineer his reality (“code yourself for discomfort” to deepen your spirituality)

  • How to make the impossible possible in everyday life (not just when meditating under a tree or drinking medicine in the jungle)

  • Exploring the line between quantum creating and unrealistically shooting for the impossible

  • How does surrender factor into the quantum lifestyle 

  • Envisioning “Quantum Advisors” in the government and business innovation space (and what culture might look like in 10 years)

This show is hosted at Destination Outpost, a coliving and coworking community based out in Bali.   

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