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Introducing Theta Waves, an-other kind of platform

In this tumultuous time, does the world need another platform? 

Everything starts from the inside

We don’t want to hold your attention longer without connecting you first to the root of this project. 

Despite the fact that everybody’s always saying, “everything has already been created” and “nothing is really new”,  we at Resonance™ prefer to follow Lavoisier’s Law, which states that everything is in constant change without losing its essence. As matter is indestructible, we want to dig deep into the meaning of (human) existence, finding new and more effective ways to deliver messages and products that can have social impact — digging into a process of cultural engagement that connects ideas with local communities. So, Theta Waves is our approach to learning, remembering and activating intuition. It’s a platform to empower creators, artists and scientific thinkers to share new perspectives that span diverse disciplines, theories, and communities.

When we decided to start Theta Waves, we simply revolted the approach of creating another content curated magazine built on outside observations of the world. Take for instance all the platforms and publications dedicated to the complexity of digital technologies we have at our disposal today. It’s just mind blowing. Technologies move us in a direction that’s faster, more competitive, and highly effective at solving complex problems. Do you know how many transistors are packed in the smartphone you’re using to read this article? If you have the latest iPhone models, it’s between 7-8 billion (not an easy number to process with ten fingers). 

Rather than looking at the latest Apple device, what about admiring and honoring the most ancient and advanced thinking box in this universe, the human brain? In total, our brains house around 100 billion neurons, wiring and firing in sophisticated ways. Exponentially more powerful than the digital neurons powering our favorite devices, our brains contain limitless possibilities for creation to move beyond our physically and materially constructed limitations. This is why we have an obligation to connect with our highest intelligence and unlock the power we have.

Instead, we wanted to embrace an-other exploration inside our bodies, striving to find the exact location of Source, the uncorrupted recipient of Higher Truth. Inspired by both systems-thinking and our experience on the spiritual yogic path across India and Southeast Asia, we’ve journeyed into the unknown ephemeral space where higher truth lies, generated by a particular kind of brain wave known as theta. This precise brain wave is the grounds for a high potency of creativity, despite exhibiting low frequency. 

As humans on this unique planet, we’re socially evolved animals driven by creativity, collaboration and compassion. Our neural cortex is the most advanced cognitive system in this moment — that is, until we arrive at the achievement of singularity, the next technological frontier where artificial intelligence takes center stage. Think cognitive explosion leading intelligence to take on decisions of its own presumably before 2030, as depicted in Vernon Vinge’s 1993 essay, “The Coming Technological Singularity.” 

See this SoundCloud audio in the original post

Understanding the nature of theta waves

Let’s start by unpacking the innovation contained in Theta.

Theta is our ultimate gateway to learning, memory and intuition. 

From the ages of 0 to 7, we are in a continuous theta state. We evolve like a sponge, receiving all the stimuli and stories of the world that will create our future selves. In fact, 95% of who we are is defined at that age, so we can safely say that entering theta consciously as adults can help us grow our creative capacities.

Powered by a steady slow oscillation of around 6-7Hz (as compared to the barrage of hertz generated by the 4G network — up to two million hertz responsible for the endless stream of digital information between our combined devices), theta is the wave resonating during moments of deep relaxation, prior to going to sleep or during the practice of meditation. Located in the hippocampus, theta is arguably responsible for the most important brain activity and actions in our lives. In “Becoming Supernatural,” Dr. Joe Dispenza describes that theta waves appear when we find ourselves in non-threatening spaces, like listening to a teacher or seeing a dog running in the garden. With a sense of stillness, our brain can focus on the present moment of unknown possibilities. Instead of being stuck in the past or future, the present moment unlocks our higher creative functions, allowing us to actively create our own reality. This enables us to move beyond old patterns and seek out healthy neural activity, activating our natural self-healing (super)powers. In other words, we are more powerful than we think, far from what we’ve been led to believe in mainstream thought.

See this content in the original post

Creativity can be the new world propellent

In the lockdown era, we are limited by outer stimulation, leaving us no choice but to look within and create more inner space with potential for new thoughts and ideas. Maybe this is the time to dig at the meaning of life and understand that we have all that we need to solve every complex problem. To cite the classic “The Power of Now,” Eckhart Tolle wrote, “every time you create a gap in the stream of mind, the light of your consciousness grows stronger”. More than ever, creators are experiencing a new renaissance, thanks to the enormous amount of free time available and online audiences ready for new visions. All social media platforms are reporting growth in time and money spent online. Returning to the real world simply won’t be the same. Digital connections will grow, and we have the responsibility to generate quality without adding digital waste in this shared virtual space.

Let’s find resonance together. Stay tuned for more in Theta Waves.