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Manifesting a New Reality with Quantum Creation

In this episode of the Alt-Normal with Alex Malorodov, we explore the new story of creating our dream reality into possibility — shifting out of victimhood and into asking ourselves the right questions.

On episode 17, we enter all things quantum physics and quantum creation with Intuitive Guide and Mentor, Alex Malodorov. Through unlocking people’s understanding and embodiment of quantum reality and intuitive abilities, Alex opens his clients to experience a life of deep meaning and freedom. Alex bridges the business and spiritual world, having earned his MBA from Columbia and spending years in the venture capital space. 

While the discovery of quantum physics dates back to the early 1900s, its mainstream curiosity has taken off recently thanks to the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza, helping people all around the world heal chronic illnesses and transform their lives in unprecedented ways. As a quantum creator, Alex brings this practice down to earth in a highly practical way (given his engineering background) and cuts right through the noise. Since the universe works vibrationally, all we have to do is to commit to embodying the vibrational identity of the person we wish to become. Nothing is impossible or off the table here. Helping us discern between “embodiment” and “visualization,” he says the practice comes down to creating a full sensorial experience to feel our way into our manifestations, rather than simply thinking our way to them. 

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The old story is to default to the question, “why is this happening to me?” Instead, to crack the code of “reality architecture” and create something new, we have to be courageous enough to ask different questions, including but not limited to: 

  • What if there’s more to life than a high salary and material accumulation of wealth? 

  • What if there were a 1% greater chance to reach a higher potential than the mind can conceive? 

  • How can I explore that expansion? 

  • Did following what you believed to be true up until this point lead you to ecstatic joy and happiness? If not, why would you keep doing it? 

As a former venture capital consultant, Alex is no stranger to making incremental changes to problems with mental fortitude. That said, he asks us to probe the greatest innovation breakthroughs we’ve seen from legends like Steve Jobs, Elon Musk and Tony Robbins. Were they using their mind to create or did it come from higher peak states of consciousness of the imagination, intuition and flow? 

If we are willing to ask the courageous questions and invest in our frequency the way we invest in stocks, homes, cars and MBAs, then think about the possibility of truly investing in the frequencies you create on a daily basis. If the universe works vibrationally and we practice broadcasting the vibrations of our highest dreams, then the world would certainly shift into a different consciousness. More concretely, our governments, businesses and the next generation of emerging leaders would think, feel and behave in unprecedented ways on the level of self, community and planet.

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