A new next gen media company, rising alongside the ranks of Morning Brew and theSkimm, empowers, motivates, and informs Gen Z and Millenial women every morning. Their mission is to make women across the globe feel more powerful every single day with engaging and digestible content. 


Curious to branch out into sustainability content, the agency approached us to create TikTok explainers on the hottest green topics.


To make sustainability a daily, desirable lifestyle practice coming off the heels of COP27, which created an even greater need to tailor sustainability issues to younger audiences.


Earth’s got love languages too.

As part of their TikTok strategy, I scripted and hosted sustainability explainer videos on hot topics like clean beauty, shopping diets and green dating – all ways to check off your #greengoals and speak Earth’s favorite love languages too.


Episode 1: Clean AND Green Beauty, Demystified.
Channel: TikTok


When it comes to beauty, when does “clean” actually mean “green”?

The definition of CLEAN isn’t as clear as the skin you’re trying to get. The thing is, there isn’t ONE standardized definition of “clean,” according to the FDA.

So even if a company has made some changes to be “clean,” it’s a guess if those changes were actually made for the better.

If that wasn’t enough, the one and only law passed to regulate the beauty and cosmetics space happened…84 YEARS AGO.

The silver eyelining is this…we don’t need to wait around for the FDA to figure it out. It’s still possible to shop for the cleanest in-GREEN-dients out there.

Let’s just say, if Planet E wouldn’t want it, it’s probably not the cleanest choice for your body either.

Look for certifications that verify healthy formulas for people and planet! This includes non toxic ingredients, cruelty-free, and a sustainable product lifecycle.

You know how they say, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”? Clean AND green beauty is in the eye of the one who be-holding all the facts with love for the Earth and asking the million dollar question…

Episode 2: Do shopping diets really work?
Channel: TikTok


Ever thought about doing a shopping detox? Think of this as adjusting your shopping habits for a more waste-free and healthier Earth.

When it comes to stuffocation, we’ve got 3 usual suspects: Food. Single-use plastics. And fashion. But, hey, good news!

Here's 5 things you can do — and don't worry, dumpster diving isn't one of them.

Freeze more: Make your fruits and veggies last longer.

Compost your food scraps: Breakdowns are actually a good thing in the compost bin.

Unplug sooner: Two out of three impulse buys happen in bed on a phone, so note to self, ‘no shopping past 8!’

Swap out the old: Organize a swap party and shop your BFF’s closet.

Make simple, sexy: Bring your tote to the market and buy in bulk to avoid packaged goods. Isn’t it cool to – cool off your shopping jets, cool off the Earth and ask total strangers…

Episode 3: Go green and go home…with your next long-term boo.
Channel: TikTok


You can UP your chance of finding your long term lover by just going (and staying) green! And no, you don’t need to buy a Tesla tomorrow.

The science is OUT. A recent study from the UK shows that we might just have more control over the market…the mating market.

Being pro-environmental can make people more desirable for long-term lovers AND motivate people to flaunt their green behaviors when they date. Can I get a YES, green girls?

And who says the simple things like reducing paper waste, reusing drink containers, recycling in general can’t be..sexy?

It’s like this: Next time you have your crush over for dinner, swap out paper napkins for the super cute cloth kind and find an excuse to have him wipe your lip with it.

You should probably cook something saucey! Dating AND flexing your green muscles is all it takes to land your forever boo. Don’t you wanna tell all your friends that…


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