Everything is possible when you embrace fiscal intimacy

We kick off season 2 of our podcast, the Alt-Normal with Jaymin Patel —a former corporate consultant that redesigned the sales journey from one of scarcity to one of wholeness.


On episode 15, we kick off Season 2 with Jaymin Patel, the founder of Paragons of Possibility —a movement to show the world what IS possible in living a more honest, loving, fulfilled, sustainable, ancestrally-healed, non-trauma-creating way of life. In addition to being a (TEDx) speaker who has delivered 500+ paid talks and being an author of 8 books, Jaymin is a highly sought-after, heart-driven, no-fluff, intuitive coach who has been hired by powerful leaders in the spiritual & transformational communities as well as top leaders of corporations around the world like Kraft, Unilever, and Citibank. 

Jaymin brought to light this idea of “embodying our fiscal intimacy,” a practice of celebrating our abundance shamelessly, while unlearning that our self worth is tied to our achievements. He makes the case by saying our self worth is created from the inside out. No amount of failures or “no’s” can rob us of our own worthiness. When we become rock solid in this conviction on the level of feeling (not just thought alone), we can start to emanate transformation and serve others from wholeness, rather than scarcity. With a background in business strategy, Jaymin turns the old model of sales upside down, from one of “How can I get people to give me a “yes” so that I can feel worthy and valued?” to one of “How can I empower people to think and feel for themselves and what they need (versus what I think they need)?” 

If you’re making too little [money], there might be shame. If you’re making too much, you might wanna hide it. The more we hide anything in our lives, the more we repress it. If you want to have a conscious relationship to anything, including money, then we need to bring it from the shadow into the light.
— Jaymin Patel, Founder of Paragons of Possibilities

His integration of business strategy and a shamanic container touching everything from inner child and deep shadow work, demonstrates the transformation that is possible for sales to be a journey of giving and receiving from a deeper container of authenticity. Tune in to hear why he wants to coach the leaders of our political and business world, including Kamala Harris and Jeff Bezos.

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Tiffany Wen

Tiffany Wen is a storyteller, brand strategist, content writer, co-founder of Resonance, yoga teacher and full-time epigenetic activist rewriting her own experience living with an alt-BRCA1 gene. As an anthropologist of the why, her mission is to help humans and businesses unlock their genius and consciously change the conversation about our future paradigms. In 2016, she left her corporate life in New York after a 5-year run as producer of digital, experiential and content marketing campaigns for brands like Wired Magazine, Capital One, White House, UN, and American Express. She earned her B.S. in Communication from the University of Southern California.


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the Alt-Normal, our new content series for a sustainable present